


About us

Significant know-how in various industry sectors:

  • turbine control including strict UCPTE requirements
  • conventional steam power plants and heating plants including combustion optimization
  • fluid boilers with the utilization of various types of fuels
  • oil and gas industry
  • glass industry
  • chemical water treatment plants
  • heavy-current distribution systems (LV parts mainly)
  • communications and networking systems of various types and levels

ENERGO CONTROL Ltd. since 2001.

Member of the PPA CONTROL a.s. group from 12/14/2023

During its relatively short existence, ENERGO CONTROL Ltd. has created a team of skilled experts able to carry out technically demanding projects either on turnkey basis or subcontractor basis.

In the context of the integration of ENERGO CONTROL s.r.o. into the PPA CONTROLL a.s. holding, the range of services for the implementation of comprehensive projects from the position of the main (EPC) contractor has been significantly expanded, including options for securing financing and insurance.
Our clients are always satisfied with the quality of services:

Our references

Zakladatelia a súčasní pracovníci firmy ENERGO CONTROL s.r.o. nadobudli svoje profesionálne znalosti a skúsenosti počas svojho dlhoročného pôsobenia v odbore riadenia technologických procesov.
